The Borgias

Starring Academy Award winner Jeremy Irons as the family patriarch who bribes, buys and muscles his way into the Papacy, The Borgias is set in one of the most significant periods in history.

International Co-productions

Canada Media Fund (CMF) continues to support international treaty co-productions through its funding programs.  In 2010-2011, the CMF supported 23 co-productions through its Convergent Stream programs, for a total funding contribution of $9.1M.  This represents a decline from the average of the previous five years, at 27 projects and $13.0 M in funding respectively.  The decline is largely due to the lower number of TV hours of convergent co-productions compared to the previous five year average of 148.

Convergent 2010-2011 Prior 5-year average
$M # of Convergent Projects TV Hours $M TV Hours TV Hours
Majority Treaty co-pros 4.7 9 52    
Majority Share % of Total 1.6 2.0 2.1    
Minority Treaty co-pros 4.4 14 47    
Minority Share % of Total 1.5 3.1 1.9    
All Treaty co-pros 9.1 23 99 13.0 148
All Treaty co-pros % of Total 3 5 4 5 7
Total Convergent projects 288.3 452 2,491 265.0 2,275

The top three countries with which the CMF-funded producers partnered in 2010-2011 were the United Kingdom (UK) with 12 projects, France with six projects and Singapore with two projects. The number of co-productions with France has declined by more than 50% from last year, while no co-productions occurred with either Germany or Australia, which have consistently partnered with CMF-funded producers in the past.

As mentioned in the Industry Context section of this report, the federal government released its Policy on Audiovisual Treaty Co-production for discussion earlier this year, with the goal to address Canada’s declining treaty co-production activity.

  # of Projects
United Kingdom 12
France 6
Singapore 2
Belgium 1
Brazil 1
Hungary 1
Ireland 1

In the Experimental Stream, there were only two international co-productions, one with the UK and one with France.  There are currently no official international treaties for digital media productions.

Experimental $M #
Majority international co-pros 1.2 2
Majority Share % of Total                 5                 5
Minority international co-pros 0.0 0
Minority Share % of Total               -                 -  
Total Experimental projects 21.3 42


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