Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the Annual Report.
(0-5 Disagree 6-8 Somewhat agree 9-10=Strongly agree)
The information contained in the Annual report is pertinent
The information contained in the Annual Report is clear
It is easy to find what I am looking for in the Annual Report
The Annual Report is complete, that is, it includes all the information I find relevant
The Annual Report is visually appealing
What is your overall level of satisfaction with the Annual Report?
(0-6 Dissatisfied 7-8 Somewhat satisfied 9-10 Very satisfied)
What would you suggest to improve the Annual Report?
Would you like to see more videos?
Did you experience any problems when trying to view the videos?
How important are the following for you personally?
(0-5: Not very important 6-8 Somewhat mportant 9-10 Very important)
Closely following CMF’s activities?
Closely following news regarding CMF-funded projects?