Convergent Stream
Performance Envelopes
Amounts of Canada Media Fund (CMF) funding called Performance Envelopes (PEs) were allocated to broadcasters, for the 2010-2011 fiscal year, for commitments to convergent projects. Convergent projects will be available on more than one viewing platform. CMF funding can be committed to eligible rich and substantial digital media components and components produced for scheduled television, video-on-demand, and/or digital distribution viewing. The envelopes were calculated based on broadcasters' performance relating to eligible programming.
Approved PE program applications from certain areas are eligible for funds from the English Production Incentive (English projects originating in British Columbia, Yukon, NWT, or Quebec) and the Regional French Incentive (French projects originating in Quebec, outside of Montreal). Totals for approved 2010-2011 Performance Envelope Program applications, as of March 31, 2011, are shown below.
English Performance Envelopes |
Total 2010-2011 envelope |
$ 187.3 million |
Total approved television applications |
$ 181.2 million |
Total approved digital media applications |
$ 3.0 million |
Total approved applications |
$ 184.2 million |
French Performance Envelopes |
Total 2010-2011 envelope |
$ 89.8 million |
Total approved television applications |
$ 85.5 million |
Total approved digital media applications |
$ 1.7 million |
Total approved applications |
$ 87.2 million |
English Production Incentive |
Total Quebec area envelope |
$ 5.4 million |
Total approved Quebec television applications |
$ 3.9 million |
Total British Colombia area envelope |
$ 4.6 million |
Total approved British Columbia television applications |
$ 4.2 million |
Regional French Incentive |
Total 2010-2011 envelope |
$ 1 million |
Total approved television applications |
$ 1 million |
Northern Production Incentive |
Total 2010-2011 envelope |
$ 500 thousand |
Total approved television applications |
$ 30 thousand |
Note: Figures are rounded.
Approved applications are shown below, organized by language, genre, and medium of production with summary totals. PE contributions to Aboriginal-language productions are an exception, as they are listed under the language of PE contribution. Each broadcaster's PE contribution amount for a project is shown as well as the total PE funding committed. Other broadcasters may have co-licenced the production without contributing CMF funding and would not be shown here. Projects receiving funds from the English Production Incentive and the Regional French Incentive have the commitment amount illustrated. Total PE funding shown for a project does not include any funding committed from the Francophone Minority or Aboriginal programs. Lists of commitments from these programs can be found on the funding results page.
Approved applications are shown with the title of the convergent project, the applicant production company, region of production, project component viewing platform, the second platform meeting the convergence criteria, the content type of the digital media component, the program providing funding to the component, and the amount committed from each PE (there can be more than one) or program. If the digital media component is receiving no funding from the CMF, it will not appear on this list. For inter-provincial co-productions, the region of control reflects the residence of the majority co-producer and the location of principal photography. Projects originating in previous years and receiving additional funding in 2010-2011 are not convergent projects. These projects show “n.a.” under the second platform information.