Performance Envelope Calculations
The proportion of funding allocated to each performance envelope is determined by the performance of individual broadcasters against weighted factors. For 2010– 2011 performance envelope allocations, the calculations were based on the following four performance factors: audience success, historic access, regional production licensing, and above-threshold licensing.
Audience success
The audience success factor was intended to ensure greater proportions of Canada Media Fund (CMF) funding are channeled through broadcasters with a proven track record in supporting projects that appeal to Canadian audiences. Whether this is the result of stronger promotion and scheduling support for CMF-funded projects, or a better understanding of viewer preferences and thus increased acumen in choosing successful projects, the result is the same: more Canadians have viewed CMF-funded programming. Audience success calculations were based on total hours tuned to CMF-funded programs and a limited number of programs of the type CMF supports (known as CMF-ables), for each broadcaster over the course of the 2009–2010 broadcast year. Total hours tuned were derived from BBM Canada audience measurements and included all persons 2+.
Historic access
The historic access factor was intended to provide a measure of year-over-year funding stability for broadcasters and producers. Broadcasters earned historic access credit based on the amount of CMF funding committed to projects to which they have committed an eligible licence fee. In cases where multiple broadcasters contributed to the eligible licence fee of a project, a broadcaster’s historic access was calculated using the prorated portion of the total credit. This prorated portion was directly related to the proportion of eligible licence fees that the broadcaster contributed to the project. Credit for the historic access factor was determined on the basis of the following three fiscal years: 2006–2007, 2007– 2008, and 2008–2009.
Regional production licensing
The regional production licensing factor provided an incentive for regional balance in project disbursements and programming hours. The CMF evaluated the licensing behaviour of broadcasters with respect to CMF-funded projects in the 2009–2010 funding year. Broadcasters that licensed projects from the regions received additional credit in performance envelope calculations, resulting in additional CMF funding in their envelope allocations.
Above-threshold licensing
The above-threshold licensing factor encouraged broadcasters to contribute greater percentages of financing to projects in the form of licence fees. The CMF evaluated the licensing behaviour of broadcasters with respect to CMF-funded projects in the 2009–2010 funding year. Broadcasters licensing above the CMF Guidelines threshold received additional CMF funding in their envelope allocations.
2010-2011 Factor weights % | Audience Success | Historic Access | Above-threshold Licensing | Regional Production Licensing | Total |
ENGLISH | 40 | 30 | 10 | 20 | 100 |
FRENCH | 30 | 45 | 15 | 10 | 100 |